Усе артыкулы

Belarusian filmmakers in exile are supported at the Berlinale

European Film Market (EFM) at the 72nd Berlin International Film Festival supports Belarusian filmmakers in exile. This is stated in the EFM press release published on Monday, February 14th.

This is done, in particular, through the "Belarusian Filmmakers' Network" - an informal initiative aimed at the development of Belarusian independent cinema, its promotion inside and outside outside the country.

14 лютага 2022 г.

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The Belarusian Filmmakers' Network presents the market premiere of Vladimir Kozlov's Summer of '89 at EFM

The Belarusian Filmmakers' Network (BFN), an initiative aimed at supporting Belarusian filmmakers, will host the market premiere of the feature film Summer of '89 (directed by Vladimir Kozlov) at the European Film Market. The online screening will be held on Feb. 11, at 12:30 pm, at Virtual Cinema 25.

8 лютага 2022 г.

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Belarusian Filmmakers’ Network упершыню прадставіць на Берлінале незалежных беларускіх аўтараў

На Еўрапейскім кінарынку ў межах праграмы Берлінале-2022 сёлета ўпершыню з’явіцца віртуальны стэнд незалежных беларускіх кінематаграфістаў. На ім будуць прадстаўлены ігравыя, дакументальныя і анімацыйныя фільмы беларускіх аўтараў (незалежна ад іх актуальнай геалакацыі).

3 лютага 2022 г.

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